Thursday, May 9, 2013

We asked Fort Rucker Spouses to tell us why they love being a Military Spouse...

We asked Fort Rucker Spouses to tell us why they love being a Military Spouse. We received some wonderful entries, which you can read below. Military Spouse, Melanie Smitherman, won a Spa Package provided by 2 Girls and a Spa for her winning entry. 

Thank you to all of the Military Spouses who contributed!

Why I Love Being a Military Spouse | By: Melanie Smitherman

Melanie with her husband, WO1 Jason Smitherman
Let's face it, there are a lot of things that we, as Spouses, dislike about the Military. I admit, I am one who catches myself complaining about my husband’s long days, etc., but most of the time, I reflect on the amazing life that the Military, and my husband have given me and my children.

Every single day, my husband wakes up and goes to a job that he loves. Yes, I said it. Don't get me wrong, there are days that aren't up to par, but he is living his dream. That right there could be the top reason why I love being a Military Spouse. The pride that my husband has for his country, and being able to do something that he truly loves every single day is amazing and not many people have the opportunity to do that. Oh, and let us not forget how amazing he looks in a uniform and flight helmet!

When my husband joined the Military over 6 years ago, I had no idea how complete strangers would impact our lives. I have had the chance to meet some of the greatest friends that we now call Family, and have created so many cherished memories with them. The friendship and bond between Military Families is very special and I am so thankful and lucky to have them in my life.

I am blessed beyond belief and love being a Military Spouse!

Why I Love Being a Military Spouse | By: Rosabel Lincoln

I love being a Military Spouse for life! I was dating my husband when he was commissioned into the Military and we were married before flight school began. Eight years of marriage and five moves later, I’ve fully experienced many aspects of Military life. I enjoy all of the heritage and traditions the Military is made up of.  

One of the most exciting parts of Military life is the adventure of seeing so many new places around the world. The best part of traveling to a new duty station is when I can look forward to making new friends and running into previous ones. It is enjoyable to be in a community of other women who fully appreciate and support their selfless Spouses. 

Our squadrons are always tight knit and folks watch out for one another. Each commander we have met takes the time to get to know our Family on a personal level. It makes me feel truly treasured. My kids continually feel welcomed to participate in base wide happenings and visit their Daddy at work. 

Living on base reminds me of simpler times. Families and Soldiers are friendly and life seems to flow at a slower pace. There are so many activities to do as a Family at little or no cost such as the library, playgrounds, parks, nature trails, and lakes to fish in. I’m proud to be an American and be married to my everyday Hero.

Why I Love Being a Military Spouse | By: Megan Coker

I am a newlywed, in a new place, with no close Family, no children, and only the few friends I have been so bold to try to make. All I have in this place is my sweet husband, Ryan. All my life my parents told me that I could date and marry anyone I wanted, as long as I didn’t marry a military man and leave them. After they saw Ryan and I together, though, they knew there was no denying that this life we are entering into is the one we are meant to live. 

Moving to Alabama to be with him in March completely rocked my world. It was rocked even harder when after being here for two weeks, my husband left for Survival Training for three whole weeks, the longest we’ve ever gone without seeing or hearing from each other in years! I couldn’t have been prouder on the day I picked him up. 

While it would be easy to whine about not seeing the people I miss, I always remember that even though he’s been here three months longer than me, he is also in a new place, doing things and learning things that I could never handle myself. He never complains, but always understands and supports me. I am so lucky to be here to support him. 

While “home” is where the Army will send us…we will always be going “home” with each other. Every day I am proud to know Ryan and proud to love him. I know this is what God called me to do, so even though I have not been a “Spouse” for very long, it is surely going to be the life I love.

Why I Love Being a Military Spouse | By: Ashley Mader

There’s a line in the song Sweet Home Alabama – “You don’t gotta be from down here to get along just fine.  Being Southern is a state of mind.” That defines being a Military Spouse. There really isn’t a special “type” it takes; in fact the genre of men and women who fill this role are just as diverse as the country their Spouses work hard to serve and protect. Although we all come from different backgrounds, Military life ties us all together. I love being an Army Wife, and below are my top reasons why:

  • How well received my Soldier and I are in the communities we live in. The face of the Veteran has changed; no longer does it only include elderly men – but young ones, with still growing Families. Families serve too, and the support and encouragement from communities makes the lifestyle we chose taste just a little sweeter when hard times arise.
  • The opportunity to see new places. There is something to be said about roots, but we also love the wings the Army gives us; the ability to explore and travel to all corners of our beautiful country and world.
  • Gaining a new Military Family. We’ve found that the friends we have made along the way are the ones who best know how to encourage us. I have met many new friends through PWOC and the FRG. Thanks to our Military life, we are making life-long connections and learning how diverse the world truly is.
  • Our marriage has unique opportunities. As an Army wife looking at future deployments, I am learning to be self-reliant when necessary. I will have the chance to support my husband in ways that not all women will face. Army marriages have opportunities for a deep strength and bond because of our distinctive hurdles.
  • The pride that comes with being associated with the United States Military and being married to a man who is willing to put himself in harm’s way and potentially lay down his life for a country he believes in. 
  • Being a Military Spouse brings me closer to God. Through all the ups and downs, I am continually learning to trust in him and his grand plan for our lives.

Why I Love Being a Military Spouse | By: Katherine L. Sheffield

Before I met my husband, I was a busy California girl who was caught up with fashion and traffic jams. Once we got married and moved to different Military posts, I started to see that there was more to life than what the city had in store for me. I was able to learn so much about the Army and how hard Soldiers work to train to protect our freedoms. I also was able to move to places I’d never imagine going to and have experiences not many can say they’ve ever had. 

Being a Military Spouse has opened my eyes to world that does not get as much attention as city life would. 

I reflect on my six years as a Military Spouse and think it is a privilege that I have been given when marrying the man of dreams. I get to be a part of my husband’s world and watch him grow professionally. I get to see new faces and places, all while taking my children along on a journey that has many surprises in store for us. 

This awesome privilege of being a Military Spouse has made a place in my heart that can never be forgotten. Through the good times and hard times, I would never change a thing. I appreciate my role as a Military Spouse and proudly stand by husband no matter where the Army takes us.


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